10Ways to say Goodbye in Russian

10Ways to say Goodbye in Russian

До свида´ния! – Goodbye! (formal)

Проща´йте! – Farewell! (respectful, also implies you will no longer see each other)

Пока´! – Bye! (informal)

Пока´-пока´! – Byebye!

Счастли´во! – Bye! Good luck! (informal)

Всего´ хоро´шего! – Take care!

Всего´ до´брого! – Take care!

Счастли´вого пути´! – Have a safe trip! (to someone who is going on a trip)

До ско´рых встреч! – See you soon (presumably, you will be seeing each other many times)

До´брой но´чи – Goodbye (saying at night)

10Ways to say Goodbye in Russian

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